Who does what?

The Ambassador, Permanent Representative

- represents the President of the Republic, the Government and each of the ministers;
- implements France’s foreign policy under the authority of the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs;
- exercises his authority over the staff and work of the Permanent Representation as Head of the diplomatic mission;
- sits on the Council of the OECD, where he debates political and strategic affairs, takes part in the multilateral decision-making process by negotiating with his counterparts to reach a consensus by mutual agreement, and formally adopts the Organisation’s acts, programme of work and biennial budget;
- participates in high-level meetings within the framework of the Organisation;
- monitors the effective presence of French administrations in the Organisation’s committees and may take part in all those on which France is represented.

The Deputy Permanent Representative

- assists the Ambassador as First Counsellor and replaces him as Chargé d’affaires a.i. if he leaves the territory ;
- manages the diplomatic chancery by overseeing day-to-day administration and coordinating with the economic service;
- ensures the protection of staff and documents as Security Officer;
- sits on the Executive Committee (ComEx) of the OECD, where, together with his counterparts, he draws up opinions to assist decision-making within the Council;
- participates in high-level meetings within the framework of the Organisation.

The Minister Counsellor for Economic Affairs/Head of the Economic Department

- works in liaison with the Treasury Department and, more broadly, the Ministries of the Economy and Finance ;
- manages the economic department by overseeing day-to-day administration and coordinating with the diplomatic chancellery;
- sits on the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the OECD, where it participates in the elaboration of sustainable development policies and programmes in cooperation with representatives of other member states;
- monitors issues related to the OECD’s Development Centre;
- participates in high-level meetings within the framework of the Organisation.

Diplomatic and Economic Counsellors

- prepare meetings of OECD committees and working groups in liaison with the French administration, the representations of other member states and the OECD Secretariat;
- ensure that France’s positions are taken into account at these meetings;
- prepare and circulate minutes of discussions to government departments;
- inform government departments of the Organisation’s events and publications, and of any consequences thereof;
- strengthen communication between government departments and the OECD by organising appropriate meetings.

Dernière modification : 13/06/2023

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