"Tackling disinformation: strengthening democracy through information integrity" with the Spokesperson and Director of Communications and Press at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Anne-Claire Legendre


On the 13th of November, Anne-Claire Legendre, Spokesperson and Director of Communications and Press at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, took part in the conference "Tackling disinformation: Strengthening democracy through information integrity" organised by the OECD’s Public Governance Directorate.
Ms Legendre was invited to open the OECD conference by taking part in a high-level round-table discussion on "Towards a common framework to tackle disinformation and strengthen information integrity", which was also attended by Julianne Seifert, Secretary of State at the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Germany, and Eileen Donahoe, President Biden’s Special Envoy for Digital Freedom.

The Spokeswoman, mentioning the strategic interest of the subject, not only for democracies but also for our "ability to build diplomatic solutions", highlighted the three priorities of the French strategy:
- Improving our capacity to detect, analyse and respond to the threats of disinformation and misinformation (in particular through Viginum’s action);
- Supporting media resilience, education to media and freedom of information ;
- Introducing stronger regulations, particularly for social media platforms, to ensure that they operate responsibly and prevent the dissemination of disinformation or harmful content.

During the second part of the round-table, Anne-Claire Legendre also mentioned the launch of the Etats Généraux de l’Information, which has been set up to lay the foundations of a media and digital space model for future generations, involving both professionals and citizens. This process will run until the summer of 2024 and will result in a set of concrete proposals to anticipate future developments in the field of information.

The video recording of the session is available here: https://www.oecd-events.org/disinfo....

Dernière modification : 23/11/2023

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